I am a trauma survivor and my work is influenced by my own personal experiences and healing journey. I have struggled with symptoms of anxiety, depression, and CPTSD since I was a child after experiencing years of physical, sexual, emotional abuse. My 20s were filled with debilitating feelings, panic attacks, low self-worth, and constant health issues. 

I was in talk therapy, I was medicated, I saw countless doctors, but nothing worked. I was constantly told by health professionals that something was “wrong” with me, it was all in my head, and I would just have to learn how to manage. 

It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom when I learned how lifestyle changes, holistic practices, and a safe, nonjudgmental space could completely change my life forever. 

I strongly believe that although trauma is a fact of life, it does not have to be a life sentence. There is hope. There are ways to heal. You can live the life you’ve always imagined. And I am here to help.

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Credentials and Education 

Certified Trauma-Informed Life Coach

BS Psychology

Somatopia Somatic Experiencing Certificate of Completion 

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Level 1, UMass 

National Alliance on Mental Illness Group Facilitator

BFREE Yoga Studio Manager

CE credits from The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine

Additional informal research and training in Somatic Experiencing, Emotional Freedom Technique, polyvagal theory, and more